result was released =X
i get my target..
but...i not satisfied with that..
should be get better..
but all right it's over..
n i said i get my target..
it's ok la..
6 A1,(chem, phy, add math, math, akaun ,moral) 1 A2 (sejarah)= 7Aanother
2 B3 ( biology, cina),3 B4 ( english , malay, est )= 5Bi no C as well :) bio n cina should be get A..
actually my target is at least 6A..
now get 7A oso consider good dy..
my best target is 9A...
too bad i cant get it.. :(
dragonball jznow..
it's great for those who DID'T watched the "cartoon" one
it's bad for those who know the real story one..
i m the one felt vr nice..
coz i duno the real story..
i jz know the character oni..hehe.
it's busy now..
update the detail on 2nite ? probably..
will go out later..
i hate the window chinese system
bro, faster repair it..
i need chinese !