it's pc fair on 3/4-5/4/09
yday went for awhile..
jz wan to help my manager buy sumthg..
kinda dizzy tat facing so much promoter >.<
n i meet around 10 fren ?
jz for not more than 30 min on megamall..
say hihi and then bye bye =.=
after that i went tc =p
bla bla bla~ sendiri tahu la.. =p
TODAY i finally decide to take
another 2 piercing =P
i think of it vr long time le...
but i scared =X
then i play "jian dao shi tou bu" wif colleague..
if i lose..then i do...
LOL..finally i lose >.<
actually not reli pain when tembak..
i close my eye n try to make myself calm down 1st
LOL * actually i vr gan jiong 1
then "dak"...>.< tat time stil ntg..
after tat baru pain =.=
then i "her her" (wan cry de sound..LOL)
they all laugh on me =.=
then i duno wan cry or laugh..
LOL coz i felt got some pain..
then my tear oso wan come out le T_T
but they all laugh then i laugh together oso..
my manager snap a pic on me after piercing..
paksa sendiri smile..LOL

so..i got total 6 pierce on my ear~~~
each side got 3 =p

i wan to buy white gold earring~~
with staff price..hehe..
2day vr dak han..
n the 4 of us on duty..MING CHUAN 4 flower..LOL
so we decide to take photo again !!

type chinese got problem again =.=